updated 9-15-09

Please remember you can now update your personal contact information directly on the AATA website at !

We are listening to feedback from our members and increasing our efforts to communicate with you regularly. Please look for regular updates in your inbox, in addition to our quaterly newsletter.

We want to feature you, our members, in our upcoming newsletters. You will notice that two members have contributed articles to this edition, Poppy Scheibel and Laura Dessauer.

Please submit brief articles via the Membership email link on the FATA website for consideration for future newsletters and e-blasts to members!

Let us know what you are up to, when you have been featured in the news, received a grant or attended a great conference…in other words, Toot Your Own Horn!

-Merrilee Jorn, membership



Want a great way to stay in touch with other Art Therapists around the state?  Interested in the field of Art Therapy and want to know more?  Joining FATA will give you access to this and much much more!

FATA provides:

• Continuing Education through workshops and symposia.

• A quarterly newsletter

• Connects the Art Therapy community with one another.

 • Promotes Art Therapy within the community.

FATA is currently seeking membership applications, CLICK HERE to download a printable copy of the FATA membership form. Please mail the membership form and payment to:


 20976 Avenel Run

Boca Raton, FL 33428

To receive more information on how to join FATA, contact 

Merrilee Jorn at