The Florida Art Therapy Association is dedicated to providing education, professional development, training, and political action for its members. Further, FATA will pursue the highest professional and ethical standards to protect the public for which it serves.

Artwork is by FATA Member Sheila Lorenzo de la Pena (C) 2011

Artwork featured on our homepage is provided by Florida Art Therapy Association members.

Please email us at if you would like your artwork featured on the FATA homepage.

Want a great way to stay in touch with other Art Therapists around Florida?

Interested in the field of Art Therapy and want to know more?

Joining FATA will give you access to this and much more!

(C) Florida Art Therapy Association 2012

If you have any problems with this site, please contact

FATA Member Highlights:

FATA’s founder and honorary life member, Dr. Patricia Isis, with Florida art therapists Susan Joy Smellie and Poppy Spencer, were interviewed by NPR station WGCU about the benefits of art therapy.

Click here to listen!

FATA President, Amanda Alders, with co-authors, Liz Beck, Pat B. Allen, and Barbara “Basia” Mosinksi, published an article in the most recent volume of Art Therapy: Journal of the American Art Therapy Association about the ethical implications of using technology in art therapy. Click here to read the article, or check your latest copy of the journal.

Florida Art Therapy Supervisors

If you are a FATA member, registered or board-certified art therapist and able to supervise, please email your name, credentials and a short bio (about 5-6 sentences) to

FATA News:

FATA Art Therapy Bracelets Available for Purchase!

At $5 a bracelet, these bracelets are a wonderful way to show your support for art therapy. They also make a great conversation starter for those curious to learn more about what your bracelet means!

You can purchase bracelets

through PayPal here:

Proceeds benefit the Florida Art Therapy Association, a non-profit organization.


Looking for employment or an internship in art therapy? We’re posting all of our career opportunities and internship openings on our new blog. We will also be updating our blog with monthly agendas. Click here to check out the FATA blog!

Interested in donating to FATA?

Click on the link to the right and you can donate to

FATA safely and securely through PayPal. We

appreciate your financial support!

FATA Survey

We are surveying our members to best meet your needs. Please take a moment to fill out our survey!

Register for the FATA 2014 Conference!

The Florida Art Therapy Association is hosting its conference February 7th through the 10th in 2014 on a cruise to the Bahamas and registration is open! For more information on the conference and how to register, please go to our Conferences and Continuing Education page.