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Text Box: GAC Update (February 20, 2007)
FATA�s current GAC members are Craig Siegel, David Gussak and Raquel Farrell-Kirk.  We are pleased to have David Gussak lending his expertise, time and support to FATA�s GAC efforts. The year is off to a promising start as FATA has been collaborating with AATA�s national consultant Matt Dunne, AATA�s current GAC chairperson, Christine Hazletett, and many others to form a network of individuals who can assist us through the legislative process.
We would like to share with the membership what we have learned about the process that lies ahead so that we can all work together in pursuing this important goal. The following information was gleaned from Matt Dunne, AATA legislative consultant.
Terms to Know:
Title Act:	A title act protects the consumer by ensuring that only someone 
                        who is properly qualified, as specified in the regulatory   
                        legislation, can call themselves an art therapist. 
Practice Act: 	A practice act specifies who can use certain activities and 
                        treatment methods, based on their training and qualifications. 
AATA and FATA are pursuing a two-pronged approach. We are seeking a title act to protect consumers and our profession from unqualified persons calling themselves art therapists. We are also seeking to be included in the practice act that governs Licensed Mental Health Counselors (LMHCs). The goal is to obtain automatic recognition for qualified art therapists, likely by seeking to have the BC exam recognized as equivalent to the licensing exam taken by LMHCs. Since we are seeking a title act as well, art therapists WOULD NOT be giving up the right to call themselves art therapists and would not be giving up their art therapy credentials. 
We would like to ask ALL of our members to share their views on this issue by visiting:
and completing the Florida Art Therapy Association survey. It is only 7 questions long and will provide us with needed information regarding member support for this issue and can be completed anonymously if you wish. We will be sending out an email with a link to the survey page as well and will be placing a link on our website. 
If anyone is interested in becoming more active in this effort, please email the GAC at